recycled can candles

If you are like me, you probably have an overflowing recycling bin pretty much all the time – if it’s recyclable, it never goes in the trash! That means I also have a fairly unlimited source of craft supplies. Dig into your recycling bin and make these gorgeous candles by Lindsey at Lindsey Crafter. If you like to save all of your odds and ends of nearly-dead candles or drippy wax overflows, this is a great time to use those up instead of buying new wax, making this a recycling double whammy! [how to make recycled can candles]

Project estimate:

  • Empty cans, on hand
  • Wax, on hand or $1 and up
  • Candle wicking, $1 and up
  • Paper, on hand or $1 and up
  • Watercolor paints, on hand or $1 and up

Total: $1 and up!