DIY Botanical spray painted t-shirt - smart to use ferns for this project! - Dollar Store Crafts

Want to refresh a boring white t-shirt? Look no further than your backyard! Collect greenery from your yard to use in this cute botanical t-shirt made with fabric spray paint. My kids and I had a great time spray-painting t-shirts, and they turned out looking so great! Find out how to make this project in my column over at eBay: [DIY Botanical Spray Painted T-shirt]

Materials needed:

You can get a better deal on the fabric spray paint if you buy a multi-pack and use a coupon at your local craft store!

Why should you use this fabric spray paint instead of regular spray paint?

Tulip Color Shot is formulated for use on fabric, so it contains a paint softener, which gives it a way nicer feel on fabrics that you will be wearing. They have good fabric coverage, and an even spray pattern (without splatter). I have tried other fabric spray paint brands, but I prefer this brand and I recommend it.

Disclosure: I received this complementary product from the manufacturer, but was not compensated to write this post. Affiliate links included in this article. All information, wording, and opinions are strictly my own and I was not asked to post this article.