There are just SO many great ideas for Halloween dollar store crafting! Over at Rose Petals and Rust, Stefanie posted a whole bunch of great ideas for quick and simple Halloween decorations using stuff from the dollar store. There are several great ideas in her post, but I love these creepy skull candles. Other great ideas (which I won’t post pictures of here, so you can jump over there and check them out) are: crow candy jars (would be fun to make them into crow glass apothecary jars) and black lace-covered pumpkins. [find out how to make cool dollar store halloween decorations here]
To make the skull candles:
Project Estimate:
- Glitter skull, $1
- Candle stick, $1
- Spanish moss, on hand or $1
- Glue, on hand
Total: $2 and up
1 Comment
ooooo i just bought those same skulls yesterday! I think I know what I’ll do with them now! ;)