There is no shortage of dinosaur love happening at Dollar Store Crafts! From the dreaded T-Rex to the adorable baby triceratops, we’ve got lots of great dino crafts to help your kids (or your own inner kid!) get in touch with your paleontological side.
[Dinosaur Surprise Shirt by Morena on Dollar Store Crafts]
[Dinosaur Phone Tripod by Eat.Sleep.Make]
[Animal (and Dinosaur) Handle Party Cups from Morena on Dollar Store Crafts]
[Dinosaur Serving Dish from Three Little Monkeys Studio]
[Make Your Own Recycled Dinosaurs from Craft, Interrupted]
[Dinosaur Corn Cob Holders from resident man crafter, Mikeasaurus on Instructables]
[Dinosaur Playdough Storage Jars by Lolly Jane]
[Finger Painted Dinosaur Toys from]
[Dinosaur Footprint Fossils from I Can Teach My Child]
[Dinosaur Magnets from C.R.A.F.T.]
[Glittered Dinosaur Ornaments by Carissa on Dollar Store Crafts]
[Dinosaur Feet from Recycled Materials on Activity Village]
[Dinosaur Bulletin Board from Oh That Ashley]
[DIY Wearable Dinosaur Tails from Running with Scissors]
[Dinosaur Finger Puppet by Heather on Dollar Store Crafts]
[Hatchable Dinosaur Eggs with Coffee Clay from Play Create Explore]
It would be cute to use the dinosaur fossil idea and make cookies with the footprints for a themed party. :)